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🐍 Python Client Data Type Reference

Core Data Types

Classes that represent the main entities of SGP.


A data model representing a knowledge base.


Name Type Description
knowledge_base_id str

The unique ID of the knowledge base

knowledge_base_name str

The name of the knowledge base

embedding_config EmbeddingConfig

The embedding configuration

metadata Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Metadata associated with the knowledge base

created_at str

The timestamp at which the knowledge base was created

updated_at Optional[str]

The timestamp at which the knowledge base was last updated


A data model representing a knowledge base upload.


Name Type Description
upload_id str

Unique ID of the upload job

data_source_config DataSourceConfig

Configuration for downloading data from source

chunking_strategy_config Optional[ChunkingStrategyConfig]

Configuration for chunking the text content of each artifact

created_at str

The timestamp at which the upload job started

updated_at str

The timestamp at which the upload job was last updated

status UploadJobStatus

Sync status

status_reason Optional[str]

Reason for the upload job's status

artifacts_status Optional[ArtifactsStatus]

Number of artifacts pending, completed, and failed

artifacts Optional[List[KnowledgeBaseArtifact]]

List of info for each artifacts


A data model representing an artifact in a knowledge base.


Name Type Description
artifact_id str

Unique identifier for the artifact

artifact_name str

Friendly name for the artifact

artifact_uri str

Location (e.g. URI) of the artifact in the data source

artifact_uri_public Optional[str]

Public Location (e.g. URI) of the artifact in the data source

status str

Status of the artifact

status_reason Optional[str]

Reason for the artifact's status

source ArtifactSource

Data source of the artifact

chunks_status ChunksStatus

Number of chunks pending, completed, and failed

updated_at Optional[datetime]

Timestamp at which the artifact was last updated

chunks Optional[List[Chunk]]

List of chunks associated with the artifact


A data model representing a chunk.


Name Type Description
chunk_id str

The unique ID of the chunk

text str

The text associated with the chunk

score Optional[float]

A number between 0 and 1 representing how similar a chunk's embedding is to the query embedding. Higher numbers mean that this chunk is more similar.

embedding Optional[List[float]]

The vector embedding of the text associated with the chunk

metadata Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Any additional key value pairs of information stored with the chunk


This is a template for types of models that can be quickly customized by end users. It allows users to upload static docker images that can run specific types of models. These docker images will expose parameters that can be injected at ModelAlias creation time to customize the functionality. A common example of this is to use a HuggingFace LLM template, but swap out model weights for a finetuned model.


Name Type Description
id str

The unique identifier of the entity.

created_at datetime

The date and time when the entity was created in ISO format.

account_id str

The ID of the account that owns the given entity.

created_by_user_id str

The user who originally created the entity.

name str

The name of the model template

endpoint_type ModelEndpointType

The type of endpoint that the model template will create

model_type ModelType

The type of model that the model template will create

vendor_configuration ModelVendorConfiguration

The vendor configuration of the model template

model_creation_parameters_schema Optional[ParameterSchema]

The field names and types of available parameter fields which may be specified during model creation

model_request_parameters_schema Optional[ParameterSchema]

The field names and types of available parameter fields which may be specified in a model execution API's model_request_parameters field.


A data model representing an Application Spec.


Name Type Description
id str

The ID of the application spec

name str

The name of the application

description str

The description of the application



A data model representing a question set.


Name Type Description
id str

The ID of the question set

name str

The name of the question set

created_at str

The time the question set was created

created_by_user_id str

The user ID of the user who created the question set

account_id str

The account ID of the account that the question set is associated with

questions Optional[List[Question]]

The questions in the question set


A data model representing an evaluation config.


Name Type Description
id str

The ID of the evaluation config

evaluation_type EvaluationType

The type of evaluation. Currently, only HUMAN is supported.

question_set_id str

The ID of the question set to use for the evaluation.

account_id str

The account ID of the account that the evaluation config is associated with.

created_at datetime

The time the evaluation config was created.

created_by_user_id str

The user ID of the user who created the evaluation config.


A data model representing an evaluation dataset.


Name Type Description
name str

The name of the evaluation dataset

schema_type TestCaseSchemaType

The schema type of the evaluation dataset

id str

The ID of the evaluation dataset

created_at datetime

The time the evaluation dataset was created

updated_at datetime

The time the evaluation dataset was last updated

account_id str

The ID of the account that owns the evaluation dataset

created_by_user_id str

The ID of the user that created the evaluation dataset

version_num Optional[int]

The version number of the evaluation dataset


A data model representing a test case.


Name Type Description
id str

The ID of the test case

evaluation_dataset_id str

The ID of the evaluation dataset that the test case belongs to

schema_type TestCaseSchemaType

The schema type of the test case

test_case_data Union[GenerationTestCaseData]

The data of the test case. In general, this can be thought of as the data to evaluate an application against.


A data model representing an evaluation.


Name Type Description
id str

The ID of the evaluation

name str

The name of the evaluation

description str

The description of the evaluation

status EvaluationStatus

The status of the evaluation

application_spec_id str

The ID of the application spec that the evaluation is for

evaluation_config_id str

The ID of the evaluation config

tags Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

The tags of the evaluation represented as a dictionary of key value pairs

created_at datetime

The time the evaluation was created


A data model representing a test case result.


Name Type Description
id str

The ID of the test case result


The status of the test case result

application_spec_id str

The ID of the application spec that the test case result is for

evaluation_id str

The ID of the evaluation that the test case result is for

evaluation_dataset_id str

The ID of the evaluation dataset that the test case result is for

evaluation_dataset_version_num str

The version number of the evaluation dataset that the test case result is for

test_case_id str

The ID of the test case that the test case result is for

test_case_evaluation_data GenerationTestCaseResultData

A payload representing the data generated by the application described by the application spec when evaluated against the test case.

test_case_evaluation_data_schema TestCaseSchemaType

The schema type of the test_case_evaluation_data

result Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

The payload filled in when the evaluation of this test case result is completed. Examine this value to determine how the application performed on the test case.

completed_at Optional[datetime]

The time the test case result was completed

created_at datetime

The time the test case result was created

annotated_by_user_id Optional[str]

The ID of the user that annotated the test case result

time_spent_labeling_s Optional[int]

The time spent labeling the test case result


Classes that can be used to access enumerated values. It is generally recommended to use these enums instead of hard-coding strings in your code.


An enum representing the different types of agent actions supported.


Name Type Description

Denotes that the agent output contains a request for the user to use a tool.


Denotes that the agent output contains final content.


An enum representing the different types of artifact sources supported.


Name Type Description

Denotes that the artifact source is S3.


Denotes that the artifact source is Confluence.


Denotes that the artifact source is SharePoint.


Denotes that the artifact source is Google Drive.


Denotes that the artifact source comes from chunks directly uploaded via the API.


An enum representing the different possible audit statuses of a test case result.


Name Type Description

Denotes that the test case result has not been aduited yet.


Denotes the test case result has been audited, and the mistakes have been corrected.


Denotes the test case has been audited and approved.


An enum representing the different types of chunk upload statuses supported.


Name Type Description

Denotes that the chunk upload is pending.


Denotes that the chunk upload is completed.


Denotes that the chunk upload has failed.


An enum representing the different types of chunking strategies supported.


Name Type Description

Denotes that the chunking strategy is to chunk by character.


An enum representing the different types of cross encoder models supported.


Name Type Description

Denotes that the model is a cross encoder model.


Denotes that the model is a cross encoder model.


An enum representing the different types of data sources supported.


Name Type Description
S3 str

Denotes that the data source is S3.


An enum representing the different types of deduplication strategies supported.


Name Type Description

Denotes that the deduplication strategy is to overwrite.


Denotes that the deduplication strategy is to fail.


An enum representing the different types of embedding models supported.


Name Type Description

Denotes that the model is a sentence transformer model.


Denotes that the model is a sentence transformer model.


Denotes that the model is a sentence transformer model.


Denotes that the model is an openai text embedding model.


Denotes that the model is an openai text embedding model.


Denotes that the model is an openai text embedding model.


Denotes that the model is a cohere text embedding model.


Denotes that the model is a cohere text embedding model.


Denotes that the model is a cohere text embedding model.


An enum representing the different possible statuses of an Evaluation.


Name Type Description

Denotes that an evaluation is pending.


Denotes that an evaluation is completed.


Denotes that an evaluation has failed.


An enum representing the different types of evaluations.

Currently only human evaluations are supported.


Name Type Description

Denotes that an evaluation is a human evaluation.


An enum representing the different types of extra info schemas.

Denotes the type of the "info" field in the ExtraInfo model.


Name Type Description

Denotes that the "info" field is a string.


An enum representing the different types of questions.

This is used to specify the type of a question.


Name Type Description

Denotes that a question is a categorical question.


Denotes that a question is a free text question.


An enum representing the different test case schema types.


Name Type Description

If a TestCase specifies this schema type, it must have the following fields:

  • input [Required] The input to the generation model.
  • expected_output [Optional] The expected output of the generation model.
  • expected_extra_info [Optional] The expected extra info of the generation model.

If a TestCaseResult specifies this schema type, it must have the following fields:

  • generation_output [Required] The output of the generation model.
  • generation_extra_info [Required] The extra info of the generation model.


An enum representing the different types of upload job statuses supported.


Name Type Description

Denotes that the upload job is running.


Denotes that the upload job is completed.


Denotes that the upload job has failed.


Denotes that the upload job has been canceled.


A glossary of all data types used in the SDK.



The context of the action that the agent is taking.


Name Type Description
content Optional[str]

The content of the final output of the agent when it no longer needs any tools.

tool_request Optional[ToolRequest]

The tool request if the agent needs more information.


A tool is a function that the Agent has at its disposal. This schema is used to tell the Agent about the tools that are available to it.


Name Type Description
name str

Name of the tool.

The tool name is the name the client wishes the Agent to use to refer to this function when it decides if it wants the user to use the tool or not. It must be unique amongst the set of tools provided in a single API call.

description str

Description of the tool.

Because some queries are complex and may require multiple tools to complete, it is important to make these descriptions as informative as possible. If a tool is not being chosen when it should, it is common practice to tune the description of the tool to make it more apparent to the agent when the tool can be used effectively.

arguments ToolArguments

An JSON Schema-compliant schema for the tool arguments. To describe a function that accepts no parameters, provide the value {"type": "object", "properties": {}}.

For more information on how to define a valid JSON Schema object, visit


An object where each key is the name of a keyword argument and each value is a schema used to validate that property. Each schema must have a type and description, but can also have a default value and examples.

For more information on how to define a valid property, visit


Name Type Description
type Literal['object']

Type of argument. Currently only "object" is supported

properties Dict[str, ToolPropertyValue]

An object where each key is the name of a keyword argument and each value is a schema used to validate that property. Each schema must have a type and description, but can also have a default value and examples.

For more information on how to define a valid property, visit


A schema used to validate a single keyword argument for a tool.


Name Type Description
type Literal['string', 'number', 'integer', 'boolean', 'object', 'array', 'null']

The argument's type.

The type is used to help the Agent generate valid arguments for the tool.

For more information about types, see:

description str

Description of what the argument is used for.

This description is used to help the Agent generate sensible arguments for the tool. It is very important that this description is succinct, clear, and accurate.

default Optional[str]

A default value for the argument if unspecified.

examples Optional[List[str]]

Example values demonstrating how the argument should look.

This can be used to help the agent understand what a valid argument should look like.


A request to run a tool.


Name Type Description
name str

Name of the tool that the AI wants the client to use.

arguments str

Arguments to pass to the tool. The format must be a JSON Schema-compliant object serialized into a string.



A data model representing an Application Spec.


Name Type Description
id str

The ID of the application spec

name str

The name of the application

description str

The description of the application



A data model representing a chunk.


Name Type Description
chunk_id str

The unique ID of the chunk

text str

The text associated with the chunk

score Optional[float]

A number between 0 and 1 representing how similar a chunk's embedding is to the query embedding. Higher numbers mean that this chunk is more similar.

embedding Optional[List[float]]

The vector embedding of the text associated with the chunk

metadata Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Any additional key value pairs of information stored with the chunk


A data model representing the parameters needed for cross encoder ranking.


Name Type Description
cross_encoder_model Literal['cross-encoder/ms-marco-MiniLM-L-12-v2', 'cross-encoder/mmarco-mMiniLMv2-L12-H384-v1']

The cross encoder model to use for ranking.


A data model representing the cross encoder ranking strategy.


Name Type Description
method Literal['cross_encoder']

The name of the rank strategy. Must be cross_encoder.

params CrossEncoderRankParams

The parameters needed for ranking.


A data model representing the parameters needed for ranking.


Name Type Description
model_id Optional[str]

The ID of the model to use for ranking.

base_model_name Optional[str]

The name of the base model to be used

model_params Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

The parameters needed for the model.


A data model representing the model ranking strategy.


Name Type Description
method Literal['model']

The name of the rank strategy. Must be model.

params ModelRankParams

The parameters needed for ranking.


A data model representing the parameters needed for Rouge ranking.


Name Type Description
metric str

Rouge type, can be n-gram based (e.g. rouge1, rouge2) or longest common subsequence (rougeL or rougeLsum)

score Literal['precision', 'recall', 'fmeasure']

Metric to use from Rouge score


A data model representing the Rouge ranking strategy.


Name Type Description
method Literal['rouge']

The name of the rank strategy. Must be rouge.

params RougeRankParams

The parameters needed for ranking.



A data model representing a completion.


Name Type Description
completion CompletionContent

The actual completion text and the finish reason.

token_usage Optional[TokenUsage]

Token usage numbers. If streaming, this field is null until the stream completes, at which point it will be populated (if supported).


A data model representing the completion text and the finish reason.


Name Type Description
text str

Completion text. If streaming, this field will contain each packet of text.

finish_reason Optional[str]

Reason the LLM finished generating text.


A data model representing the configuration parameters for the completion model.


Name Type Description
temperature float

What sampling temperature to use, between [0, 1]. Higher values like 0.8 will make the output more random, while lower values like 0.2 will make it more focused and deterministic. Setting temperature=0.0 will enable fully deterministic (greedy) sampling.

stop_sequences Optional[List[str]]

List of up to 4 sequences where the API will stop generating further tokens. The returned text will not contain the stop sequence.

max_tokens Optional[int]

The maximum number of tokens to generate in the completion. The token count of your prompt plus max_tokens cannot exceed the model's context length. If not, specified, max_tokens will be determined based on the model used:

Model API family Model API default SGP applied default
OpenAI Completions 16 context window - prompt size
OpenAI Chat Completions context window - prompt size context window - prompt size

A data model representing LLM token usage numbers.


Name Type Description
prompt Optional[int]

Number of tokens in the prompt.

completion Optional[int]

Number of tokens in the completion.

total int

Total number of tokens in both the prompt and the completion.




A data model representing an evaluation config.


Name Type Description
id str

The ID of the evaluation config

evaluation_type EvaluationType

The type of evaluation. Currently, only HUMAN is supported.

question_set_id str

The ID of the question set to use for the evaluation.

account_id str

The account ID of the account that the evaluation config is associated with.

created_at datetime

The time the evaluation config was created.

created_by_user_id str

The user ID of the user who created the evaluation config.



A data model representing the data of a Testcase with a GENERATION schema type.


Name Type Description
input str

The input to the generation model

expected_output Optional[str]

The expected output of the generation model

expected_extra_info Optional[ExtraInfo]

The expected extra info of the generation model


A data model representing a test case.


Name Type Description
id str

The ID of the test case

evaluation_dataset_id str

The ID of the evaluation dataset that the test case belongs to

schema_type TestCaseSchemaType

The schema type of the test case

test_case_data Union[GenerationTestCaseData]

The data of the test case. In general, this can be thought of as the data to evaluate an application against.



A data model representing an evaluation dataset.


Name Type Description
name str

The name of the evaluation dataset

schema_type TestCaseSchemaType

The schema type of the evaluation dataset

id str

The ID of the evaluation dataset

created_at datetime

The time the evaluation dataset was created

updated_at datetime

The time the evaluation dataset was last updated

account_id str

The ID of the account that owns the evaluation dataset

created_by_user_id str

The ID of the user that created the evaluation dataset

version_num Optional[int]

The version number of the evaluation dataset



A data model representing the data of a TestcaseResult with a GENERATION schema type.


Name Type Description
generation_output str

The output of the generation model

generation_extra_info ExtraInfo

The extra info of the generation model


A data model representing a test case result.


Name Type Description
id str

The ID of the test case result


The status of the test case result

application_spec_id str

The ID of the application spec that the test case result is for

evaluation_id str

The ID of the evaluation that the test case result is for

evaluation_dataset_id str

The ID of the evaluation dataset that the test case result is for

evaluation_dataset_version_num str

The version number of the evaluation dataset that the test case result is for

test_case_id str

The ID of the test case that the test case result is for

test_case_evaluation_data GenerationTestCaseResultData

A payload representing the data generated by the application described by the application spec when evaluated against the test case.

test_case_evaluation_data_schema TestCaseSchemaType

The schema type of the test_case_evaluation_data

result Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

The payload filled in when the evaluation of this test case result is completed. Examine this value to determine how the application performed on the test case.

completed_at Optional[datetime]

The time the test case result was completed

created_at datetime

The time the test case result was created

annotated_by_user_id Optional[str]

The ID of the user that annotated the test case result

time_spent_labeling_s Optional[int]

The time spent labeling the test case result



A data model representing an evaluation.


Name Type Description
id str

The ID of the evaluation

name str

The name of the evaluation

description str

The description of the evaluation

status EvaluationStatus

The status of the evaluation

application_spec_id str

The ID of the application spec that the evaluation is for

evaluation_config_id str

The ID of the evaluation config

tags Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

The tags of the evaluation represented as a dictionary of key value pairs

created_at datetime

The time the evaluation was created




A data model representing the status of the chunks in an artifact.


Name Type Description
chunks_completed int

Number of chunks uploaded successfully

chunks_pending int

Number of chunks awaiting upload

chunks_failed int

Number of chunks that failed upload


A data model representing an artifact in a knowledge base.


Name Type Description
artifact_id str

Unique identifier for the artifact

artifact_name str

Friendly name for the artifact

artifact_uri str

Location (e.g. URI) of the artifact in the data source

artifact_uri_public Optional[str]

Public Location (e.g. URI) of the artifact in the data source

status str

Status of the artifact

status_reason Optional[str]

Reason for the artifact's status

source ArtifactSource

Data source of the artifact

chunks_status ChunksStatus

Number of chunks pending, completed, and failed

updated_at Optional[datetime]

Timestamp at which the artifact was last updated

chunks Optional[List[Chunk]]

List of chunks associated with the artifact




A data model representing the status of the artifacts in a knowledge base.


Name Type Description
artifacts_completed int

Number of artifacts uploaded successfully.

artifacts_pending int

Number of artifacts awaiting upload.

artifacts_uploading int

Number of artifacts with upload in progress.

artifacts_failed int

Number of artifacts that failed upload.


A data model representing the configuration of an Azure Blob Storage data source.


Name Type Description
source Literal[AZURE_BLOB_STORAGE]

The data source type. Must be 'azure_blob_storage'.

blob_sas_token str

The SAS token for the Azure Blob Storage container


A data model representing the configuration of an Azure Blob Storage data source.


Name Type Description
source Literal[AZURE_BLOB_STORAGE]

The data source type. Must be 'azure_blob_storage'.

container_url str

The SAS URL for the Azure Blob Storage container (a.k.a. Blob SAS URL)


A data model representing the configuration of a character chunking strategy.


Name Type Description
strategy Literal[CHARACTER]

The chunking strategy type. Must be 'character'.

separator Optional[str]

Character designating breaks in input data. Text data will first be split into sections by this separator, then each section will be split into chunks of size chunk_size.

chunk_size Optional[int]

Maximum number of characters in each chunk. If not specified, a chunk size of 1000 will be used.

chunk_overlap Optional[int]

Number of characters to overlap between chunks. If not specified, an overlap of 200 will be used. For example if the chunk size is 3 and the overlap size is 1, and the text to chunk is 'abcde', the chunks will be 'abc', 'cde'.


A data model representing a local chunk.


Name Type Description
text str

The text associated with the chunk

chunk_position int

The position of the chunk in the artifact

metadata Dict[str, Any]

Any additional key value pairs of information stored with the chunk


A type alias for a Union of all chunking strategy types.


Name Type Description
__root__ Union[CharacterChunkingStrategyConfig, TokenChunkingStrategyConfig]

Instead of directly using this class, please use the appropriate chunking strategy type for your use case.


A type alias for a Union of all data source types.


Name Type Description
__root__ Union[S3DataSourceConfig, SharePointDataSourceConfig, GoogleDriveDataSourceConfig, AzureBlobStorageDataSourceConfig, LocalChunksSourceConfig]

Instead of directly using this class, please use the appropriate data source type for your use case.


A data model representing the configuration of a Google Drive service account.


Name Type Description
source Literal[GOOGLE_DRIVE]

The data source type. Must be 'GoogleDrive'.

client_email str

The service account's client email

private_key str

The service account's private_key

token_uri str

The service account's token_uri

client_id str

The service account's client_id


A data model representing the configuration of a Google Drive data source.


Name Type Description
source Literal[GOOGLE_DRIVE]

The data source type. Must be 'google_drive'.

drive_id str

The ID of the Google Drive to retrieve contents from


A data model representing a knowledge base upload.


Name Type Description
upload_id str

Unique ID of the upload job

data_source_config DataSourceConfig

Configuration for downloading data from source

chunking_strategy_config Optional[ChunkingStrategyConfig]

Configuration for chunking the text content of each artifact

created_at str

The timestamp at which the upload job started

updated_at str

The timestamp at which the upload job was last updated

status UploadJobStatus

Sync status

status_reason Optional[str]

Reason for the upload job's status

artifacts_status Optional[ArtifactsStatus]

Number of artifacts pending, completed, and failed

artifacts Optional[List[KnowledgeBaseArtifact]]

List of info for each artifacts


A data model representing the configuration of a local chunks data source.


Name Type Description
source Literal[LOCAL_CHUNKS]

The data source type. Must be 'local_chunks'.

artifact_name str

The file name assigned to the artifact, containing a file extension. Adding an extension is mandatory, to allow detecting file types for text extraction.

artifact_uri str

A unique identifier for an artifact within the knowledge base, such as full path in a directory or file system.

deduplication_strategy Optional[DeduplicationStrategy]

Action to take if an artifact with the same name already exists in the knowledge base. Can be either Overwrite (default) or Fail.


A type alias for a Union of all remote data source types.


Name Type Description
__root__ Union[S3DataSourceConfig, SharePointDataSourceConfig, GoogleDriveDataSourceConfig, AzureBlobStorageDataSourceConfig]

Instead of directly using this class, please use the appropriate data source type for your use case.


A data model representing the configuration of a S3 data source.


Name Type Description
source Literal[S3]

The data source type. Must be 'S3'.

s3_role Optional[str]

Name of the role that a client will be initialized via AssumeRole of AWS sts

external_id Optional[str]

External ID defined by the customer for the IAM role


A data model representing the configuration of a S3 data source.


Name Type Description
source Literal[S3]

The data source type. Must be 's3'.

s3_bucket str

The name of the S3 bucket where the data is stored

s3_prefix Optional[str]

The prefix of the S3 bucket where the data is stored

aws_region str

The AWS region where the S3 bucket is located

aws_account_id str

The AWS account ID that owns the S3 bucket


A data model representing the configuration of a SharePoint data source.


Name Type Description
source Literal[SHAREPOINT]

The data source type. Must be 'sharepoint'.

client_secret str

The secret for the app registration associated with this SharePoint site


A data model representing the configuration of a SharePoint data source.


Name Type Description
source Literal[SHAREPOINT]

The data source type. Must be 'sharepoint'.

client_id str

The client ID associated with this SharePoint site

tenant_id str

The tenant ID that the SharePoint site is within

site_id str

The site ID for this SharePoint site

folder_path Optional[str]

The nested folder path to read files from the root of the site

recursive Optional[bool]

Whether to recurse through the folder contents


A data model representing the configuration of a token chunking strategy.


Name Type Description
strategy Literal[TOKEN]

The chunking strategy type. Must be 'token'.

separator Optional[str]

Character designating breaks in input data. Text data will first be split into sections by this separator, then each section will be split into chunks of size chunk_size.

target_chunk_size Optional[int]

Target number of tokens in each chunk. If not specified, a target chunk size of 200 will be used.

max_chunk_size Optional[int]

Maximum number of tokens in each chunk. If not specified, a maximum chunk size of 200 will be used.

chunk_overlap Optional[int]

Number of tokens to overlap between chunks. If not specified, an overlap of 0 will be used. Note this is only followed approximately.



A data model representing a knowledge base.


Name Type Description
knowledge_base_id str

The unique ID of the knowledge base

knowledge_base_name str

The name of the knowledge base

embedding_config EmbeddingConfig

The embedding configuration

metadata Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Metadata associated with the knowledge base

created_at str

The timestamp at which the knowledge base was created

updated_at Optional[str]

The timestamp at which the knowledge base was last updated



Last K Memory Strategy. This strategy truncates the message history to the last k messages. It is the simplest way to prevent the model's context limit from being exceeded. However, this strategy only allows the model to have short term memory. For longer term memory, please use one of the other strategies.


Name Type Description
name Literal['last_k']

Name of the memory strategy. Must be last_k.

params LastKMemoryStrategyParams

Configuration parameters for the memory strategy.


Parameters for the last k memory strategy


Name Type Description
k int

The maximum number of previous messages to remember.



Message from an agent


Name Type Description
role Literal['agent']

The role of the message, must be "agent"

content Optional[str]

Output of the agent if finished

tool_request Optional[ToolRequest]

Request to run a tool


Message from a non-agent AI.


Name Type Description
role Literal['assistant']

The role of the message, must be "assistant"

content str

The content of the message


A type alias for a Union of all message types.


Name Type Description
__root__ Union[UserMessage, ToolMessage, AgentMessage, AssistantMessage, SystemMessage]

Instead of directly using this class, please use the appropriate message type for your use case.


Message from the system. This is used if this message did not originate from the user or AI.


Name Type Description
role Literal['system']

The role of the message, must be "system"

content str

The content of the message


Message from a tool


Name Type Description
role Literal['tool']

The role of the message, must be "tool"

name str

Name of the tool

content str

Output of calling the tool (JSON serialized to string)


Describes a request to run a tool


Name Type Description
name str

Name of the tool

arguments str

Arguments (JSON serializable string) to pass to the tool


Message from the user


Name Type Description
role Literal['user']

The role of the message, must be "user"

content str

The content of the message



This is a template for types of models that can be quickly customized by end users. It allows users to upload static docker images that can run specific types of models. These docker images will expose parameters that can be injected at ModelAlias creation time to customize the functionality. A common example of this is to use a HuggingFace LLM template, but swap out model weights for a finetuned model.


Name Type Description
id str

The unique identifier of the entity.

created_at datetime

The date and time when the entity was created in ISO format.

account_id str

The ID of the account that owns the given entity.

created_by_user_id str

The user who originally created the entity.

name str

The name of the model template

endpoint_type ModelEndpointType

The type of endpoint that the model template will create

model_type ModelType

The type of model that the model template will create

vendor_configuration ModelVendorConfiguration

The vendor configuration of the model template

model_creation_parameters_schema Optional[ParameterSchema]

The field names and types of available parameter fields which may be specified during model creation

model_request_parameters_schema Optional[ParameterSchema]

The field names and types of available parameter fields which may be specified in a model execution API's model_request_parameters field.



Response schema for agents. See the Execute Agent REST API for more information.


Name Type Description
memory_strategy Optional[MemoryStrategy]

The memory strategy to use for the agent. A memory strategy is a way to prevent the underlying LLM's context limit from being exceeded. Each memory strategy uses a different technique to condense the input message list into a smaller payload for the underlying LLM.

tools List[Tool]

The list of specs of tools that the agent can use. Each spec must contain a name key set to the name of the tool, a description key set to the description of the tool, and an arguments key set to a JSON Schema compliant object describing the tool arguments.

The name and description of each tool is used by the agent to decide when to use certain tools. Because some queries are complex and may require multiple tools to complete, it is important to make these descriptions as informative as possible. If a tool is not being chosen when it should, it is common practice to tune the description of the tool to make it more apparent to the agent when the tool can be used effectively.

messages List[Message]

The list of messages in the conversation.

instructions Optional[str]

The initial instructions to provide to the agent.

Use this to guide the agent to act in more specific ways. For example, if you have specific rules you want to restrict the agent to follow you can specify them here. For example, if I want the agent to always use certain tools before others, I can write that rule in these instructions.

Good prompt engineering is crucial to getting performant results from the agent. If you are having trouble getting the agent to perform well, try writing more specific instructions here before trying more expensive techniques such as swapping in other models or finetuning the underlying LLM.


Response schema for agents.

See the Execute Agent REST API for more information.


Name Type Description
action AgentAction

The action that the agent performed.

context ActionContext

Context object containing the output payload. This will contain a key for all actions that the agent can perform. However, only the key corresponding to the action that the agent performed have a populated value. The rest of the values will be null.


Request schema for chat completion models.


Name Type Description
temperature float

What sampling temperature to use, between [0, 1]. Higher values like 0.8 will make the output more random, while lower values like 0.2 will make it more focused and deterministic. Setting temperature=0.0 will enable fully deterministic (greedy) sampling.

stop_sequences Optional[List[str]]

List of up to 4 sequences where the API will stop generating further tokens. The returned text will not contain the stop sequence.

max_tokens Optional[int]

The maximum number of tokens to generate in the completion. The token count of your prompt plus max_tokens cannot exceed the model's context length. If not, specified, max_tokens will be determined based on the model used.

messages List[Message]

List of messages for the chat completion to consider when generating a response.


Response schema for chat completion models.


Name Type Description
message Message

The generated message from the chat completion model.

finish_reason Optional[str]

The reason the chat completion finished.


Request schema for completion models.


Name Type Description
temperature float

What sampling temperature to use, between [0, 1]. Higher values like 0.8 will make the output more random, while lower values like 0.2 will make it more focused and deterministic. Setting temperature=0.0 will enable fully deterministic (greedy) sampling.

stop_sequences Optional[List[str]]

List of up to 4 sequences where the API will stop generating further tokens. The returned text will not contain the stop sequence.

max_tokens Optional[int]

The maximum number of tokens to generate in the completion. The token count of your prompt plus max_tokens cannot exceed the model's context length. If not, specified, max_tokens will be determined based on the model used.

prompts List[str]

List of prompts to generate completions for.


Response schema for completion models.


Name Type Description
completions List[Tuple[str, List[str]]]

List of prompt, completion pairs.

finish_reason Optional[str]

The reason the completion finished.


Request schema for embedding models.


Name Type Description
texts List[str]

List of texts to get embeddings for.


Response schema for embedding models.


Name Type Description
embeddings List[Tuple[str, List[float]]]

List of text, embedding pairs.


Deployment of a model


Name Type Description
id str

The unique identifier of the model deployment.


Entity for all models, including both self-hosted and 3rd party, base, and fine-tuned models.


Name Type Description
id str

The unique identifier of the model.

created_at datetime

The date and time when the entity was created in ISO format.

account_id str

The ID of the account that owns the given entity.

created_by_user_id str

The user who originally created the entity.

name str

The name of the model

description Optional[str]

The description of the model

model_vendor Optional[ModelVendor]

The vendor of the model

base_model_id Optional[str]

The ID of the base model

base_model_metadata Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Metadata for the base model

model_template_id Optional[str]

The ID of the model template

model_group_id Optional[str]

Model group that the entity belongs to


The schema used to specify the parameters to be passed for model creation.


Name Type Description
parameters List[ParameterSchemaField]

List of parameter schema fields.


The schema used to specify the type and info about each parameter to be passed for model creation.


Name Type Description
name str

Name of the parameter.

type Union[Literal['str'], Literal['int'], Literal['float'], Literal['bool']]

Type of the parameter.

description str

Description of the parameter.

required bool

Whether the parameter is required or not.


Request schema for reranking models.


Name Type Description
query str

Query to rerank chunks against in order of relevance.

chunks List[str]

List of chunks to rerank.


Response schema for reranking models.


Name Type Description
chunk_scores List[float]

List of scores for each chunk in the same order as the input chunks.



Entity for grouping models which are tied to the base model. E.g.: gpt-4 can be a group containing all gpt-4 fine-tuned models


Name Type Description
id str

The unique identifier of the entity.

name str

The name of the group

description str

Description of the group



A data model representing a question set.


Name Type Description
id str

The ID of the question set

name str

The name of the question set

created_at str

The time the question set was created

created_by_user_id str

The user ID of the user who created the question set

account_id str

The account ID of the account that the question set is associated with

questions Optional[List[Question]]

The questions in the question set


CategoricalCondition module-attribute
CategoricalCondition = Dict[str, Union[str, List[str]]]

A mapping from question_id to either the exact value that must be selected, or a list of acceptable values. All key-value pairs in the mapping must be satisfied for the condition to be True. For questions with multi=True, the selected values include at least one of the acceptable values.


A base class for questions.


Name Type Description
id str

A unique id for this question. Each question_id will be represented as a key in the result field in the TestCaseResult after an annotation is completed. When examining how an application has performed on a specific question, users should look at the result field in the TestCaseResult for the key with the corresponding id.

title str

The text displayed to annotators for this question.

prompt str

The prompt displayed to annotators for this question.

required bool

Whether this question is required. If True, the annotator must select at least one choice.

conditions Optional[List[CategoricalCondition]]

Conditions that allow the question to be rendered. Example 1: conditions=[{"accurate": "very", "complete": "yes"}] means that the selected value for accurate must be "very" and the selected value for complete must be "yes". Example 2: conditions=[{"accurate": ["mostly", "very"]}, {"complete": "yes"}] means that either the selected value for accurate must be "mostly" or "very", or the selected value for complete must be "yes".

account_id str

The account ID of the account that the question is associated with.

created_at str

The time the question was created.

created_by_user_id str

The user ID of the user who created the question.


A choice for a categorical question.

This is only used in HUMAN evaluation type to specify a choice for a question that will be asked to users when they are evaluating generated outputs in the SGP annotation UI.


Name Type Description
label str

The text displayed to annotators for this choice.

value Union[str, int, bool]

The value reported in the TestCaseResult for this question if this choice is selected.

If users would like to track the improvement of a model over time, it is recommended to use a numeric value for this field.

A string value can be used if no ordering is desired.

audit_required bool

Whether selecting this choice will flag the test case result. Defaulted to false.


A categorical question.

This is only used in HUMAN evaluation type to specify a choice for a question that will be asked to users when they are evaluating generated outputs in the SGP annotation UI.


Name Type Description
type Literal[CATEGORICAL]

The type of the question.

choices List[CategoricalChoice]

The choices for the question.

multi bool

Whether to allow multiple choices to be selected. If True, displays as a checkbox list. Otherwise, displays as a radio group.

dropdown Optional[bool]

Whether to display options as a dropdown list. If True, displays as a dropdown. Otherwise, displays as a radio group. Currently, dropdown cannot be true if multi is true.


A free text question.

This is only used in HUMAN evaluation type to specify a choice for a question that will be asked to users when they are evaluating generated outputs in the SGP annotation UI.


Name Type Description
type Literal[FREE_TEXT]

The type of the question.