Module pandaset.annotations

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import glob
import json
import os
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from typing import overload, List, TypeVar, Dict

import pandas as pd

T = TypeVar('T')

class Annotation:
    """Meta class inherited by subclasses for more specific annotation types.

    ``Annotation`` provides generic preparation and loading methods for PandaSet folder structures. Subclasses
    for specific annotation styles must implement certain methods, as well as can override existing ones for extension.

         directory: Absolute or relative path where annotation files are stored

        data: List of annotation data objects. The type of list elements depends on the subclass implementation of protected method ``_load_data_file``
    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta

    def _data_file_extension(self) -> str:

    def data(self) -> List[T]:
        """Returns annotation data array.

        Subclasses can use any type inside array.
        return self._data

    def __init__(self, directory: str) -> None:
        self._directory: str = directory
        self._data_structure: List[str] = None
        self._data: List[T] = None

    def __getitem__(self, item: int) -> T:

    def __getitem__(self, item: slice) -> List[T]:

    def __getitem__(self, item):

    def _load_structure(self) -> None:

    def _load_data_structure(self) -> None:
        self._data_structure = sorted(

    def load(self) -> None:
        """Loads all annotation files from disk into memory.

        All annotation files are loaded into memory in filename order.

    def _load_data(self) -> None:
        self._data = []
        for fp in self._data_structure:

    def _load_data_file(self, fp: str) -> None:

class Cuboids(Annotation):
    """Loads and provides Cuboid annotations. Subclass of ``Annotation``.

    ``Cuboids`` loads files in `{sequence_id}/annotations/annotations/cuboids/` containing cuboid annotations.

         directory: Absolute or relative path where annotation files are stored

        data: List of cuboids for each frame of scene.

    def _data_file_extension(self) -> str:
        return 'pkl.gz'

    def data(self) -> List[pd.DataFrame]:
        """Returns annotation data array.

            List of cuboid data frames. Each data frame has columns as follows:
                - index: `int`
                    - Each row corresponds to one cuboid. The index order is arbitrary.
                - `uuid`: `str
                    - Unique identifier for an object. If object is tracked within the sequence, the `uuid` stays the same on every frame.
                - `label`: `str`
                    - Contains name of object class associated with drawn cuboid.
                - `yaw`: `str`
                    - Rotation of cuboid around the z-axis. Given in _radians_ from which the cuboid is rotated along the z-axis. 0 radians is equivalent to the direction of the vector `(0, 1, 0)`. The vector points at the length-side. Rotation happens counter-clockwise, i.e., PI/2 is pointing in the same direction as the vector `(-1, 0, 0)`.
                - `stationary`: `bool`
                    - `True` if object is stationary in the whole scene, e.g., a parked car or traffic light. Otherwise `False`.
                - `camera_used`: `int`
                    - Reference to the camera which was used to validate cuboid position in projection. If no camera was explicitly used, value is set to `-1`.
                - `position.x`: `float`
                    - Position of the cuboid expressed as the center of the cuboid. Value is in world-coordinate system.
                - `position.y`: `float`
                    - Position of the cuboid expressed as the center of the cuboid. Value is in world-coordinate system.
                - `position.z`: `float`
                    - Position of the cuboid expressed as the center of the cuboid. Value is in world-coordinate system.
                - `dimensions.x`: `float`
                    - The dimensions of the cuboid based on the world dimensions. Width of the cuboid from left to right.
                - `dimensions.y`: `float`
                    - The dimensions of the cuboid based on the world dimensions. Length of the cuboid from front to back.
                - `dimensions.z`: `float`
                    - The dimensions of the cuboid based on the world dimensions. Height of the cuboid from top to bottom.
                - `attributes.object_motion`: `str`
                    - Values are `Parked`, `Stopped` or `Moving`.
                    - Set for cuboids with `label` values in
                        - _Car_
                        - _Pickup Truck_
                        - _Medium-sized Truck_
                        - _Semi-truck_
                        - _Towed Object_
                        - _Motorcycle_
                        - _Other Vehicle - Construction Vehicle_
                        - _Other Vehicle - Uncommon_
                        - _Other Vehicle - Pedicab_
                        - _Emergency Vehicle_
                        - _Bus_
                        - _Personal Mobility Device_
                        - _Motorized Scooter_
                        - _Bicycle_
                        - _Train_
                        - _Trolley_
                        - _Tram / Subway_
                - `attributes.rider_status`: `str`
                    - Values are `With Rider` or `Without Rider`.
                    - Set for cuboids with `label` values in
                        - _Motorcycle_
                        - _Personal Mobility Device_
                        - _Motorized Scooter_
                        - _Bicycle_
                        - _Animals - Other_
                - `attributes.pedestrian_behavior`: `str`
                    - Value are `Sitting`, `Lying`, `Walking` or `Standing`
                    - Set for cuboids with `label` values in
                        - _Pedestrian_
                        - _Pedestrian with Object_
                - `attributes.pedestrian_age`: `str`
                    - Value are `Adult` or `Child` (less than ~18 years old)
                    - Set for cuboids with `label` values in
                        - _Pedestrian_
                        - _Pedestrian with Object_
                - `cuboids.sensor_id`: `int`
                    - For the overlap area between mechanical 360° LiDAR and front-facing LiDAR, moving objects received two cuboids to compensate for synchronization differences of both sensors. If cuboid is in this overlapping area and moving, this value is either `0` (mechanical 360° LiDAR) or `1` (front-facing LiDAR). All other cuboids have value `-1`.
                - `cuboids.sibling_id`: `str`
                    - For cuboids which have `cuboids.sensor_id` set to `0` or `1`: this field stores the `uuid` of the sibling cuboid, i.e., measuring the same object in the overlap region, but with the other respective sensor.

        return self._data

    def __init__(self, directory: str) -> None:
        Annotation.__init__(self, directory)

    def __getitem__(self, item: int) -> pd.DataFrame:

    def __getitem__(self, item: slice) -> List[pd.DataFrame]:

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        return super().__getitem__(item)

    def _load_data_file(self, fp: str) -> None:
        return pd.read_pickle(fp)

class SemanticSegmentation(Annotation):
    """Loads and provides Semantic Segmentation annotations. Subclass of ``Annotation``.

    ``SemanticSegmentation`` loads files in `{sequence_id}/annotations/annotations/semseg/` containing semantic segmentation annotations for point clouds and class name mapping.

         directory: Absolute or relative path where annotation files are stored

        data: List of points and their class ID for each frame.
        classes: Dict containing class ID to class name mapping.

    def _data_file_extension(self) -> str:
        return 'pkl.gz'

    def data(self) -> List[pd.DataFrame]:
        """Returns annotation data array.

            List of semantic segmentation data frames. Each data frame has columns as follows:
                - index: `int`
                    - Index order corresponds to the order of point cloud in ``lidar`` property.
                - `class`: `str`
                    - Class ID as a number in string format. Can be used to find class name from ``classes`` property.
        return self._data

    def classes(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
        """Returns class id to class name mapping.

            Dictionary with class ID as key and class name as value. Valid for the complete scene.
        return self._classes

    def __init__(self, directory: str) -> None:
        self._classes_structure: str = None
        self._classes: Dict[str, str] = None
        Annotation.__init__(self, directory)

    def __getitem__(self, item: int) -> pd.DataFrame:

    def __getitem__(self, item: slice) -> List[pd.DataFrame]:

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        return super().__getitem__(item)

    def load(self) -> None:

    def _load_structure(self) -> None:

    def _load_classes_structure(self) -> None:
        classes_file = f'{self._directory}/classes.json'
        if os.path.isfile(classes_file):
            self._classes_structure = classes_file

    def _load_data_file(self, fp: str) -> None:
        return pd.read_pickle(fp)

    def _load_classes(self) -> None:
        with open(self._classes_structure, 'r') as f:
            file_data = json.load(f)
            self._classes = file_data

if __name__ == '__main__':


class Annotation (directory: str)

Meta class inherited by subclasses for more specific annotation types.

Annotation provides generic preparation and loading methods for PandaSet folder structures. Subclasses for specific annotation styles must implement certain methods, as well as can override existing ones for extension.


Absolute or relative path where annotation files are stored


List of annotation data objects. The type of list elements depends on the subclass implementation of protected method _load_data_file
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class Annotation:
    """Meta class inherited by subclasses for more specific annotation types.

    ``Annotation`` provides generic preparation and loading methods for PandaSet folder structures. Subclasses
    for specific annotation styles must implement certain methods, as well as can override existing ones for extension.

         directory: Absolute or relative path where annotation files are stored

        data: List of annotation data objects. The type of list elements depends on the subclass implementation of protected method ``_load_data_file``
    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta

    def _data_file_extension(self) -> str:

    def data(self) -> List[T]:
        """Returns annotation data array.

        Subclasses can use any type inside array.
        return self._data

    def __init__(self, directory: str) -> None:
        self._directory: str = directory
        self._data_structure: List[str] = None
        self._data: List[T] = None

    def __getitem__(self, item: int) -> T:

    def __getitem__(self, item: slice) -> List[T]:

    def __getitem__(self, item):

    def _load_structure(self) -> None:

    def _load_data_structure(self) -> None:
        self._data_structure = sorted(

    def load(self) -> None:
        """Loads all annotation files from disk into memory.

        All annotation files are loaded into memory in filename order.

    def _load_data(self) -> None:
        self._data = []
        for fp in self._data_structure:

    def _load_data_file(self, fp: str) -> None:


Instance variables

var data : List[~T]

Returns annotation data array.

Subclasses can use any type inside array.

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def data(self) -> List[T]:
    """Returns annotation data array.

    Subclasses can use any type inside array.
    return self._data


def load(self) -> NoneType

Loads all annotation files from disk into memory.

All annotation files are loaded into memory in filename order.

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def load(self) -> None:
    """Loads all annotation files from disk into memory.

    All annotation files are loaded into memory in filename order.
class Cuboids (directory: str)

Loads and provides Cuboid annotations. Subclass of Annotation.

Cuboids loads files in {sequence_id}/annotations/annotations/cuboids/ containing cuboid annotations.


Absolute or relative path where annotation files are stored


List of cuboids for each frame of scene.
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class Cuboids(Annotation):
    """Loads and provides Cuboid annotations. Subclass of ``Annotation``.

    ``Cuboids`` loads files in `{sequence_id}/annotations/annotations/cuboids/` containing cuboid annotations.

         directory: Absolute or relative path where annotation files are stored

        data: List of cuboids for each frame of scene.

    def _data_file_extension(self) -> str:
        return 'pkl.gz'

    def data(self) -> List[pd.DataFrame]:
        """Returns annotation data array.

            List of cuboid data frames. Each data frame has columns as follows:
                - index: `int`
                    - Each row corresponds to one cuboid. The index order is arbitrary.
                - `uuid`: `str
                    - Unique identifier for an object. If object is tracked within the sequence, the `uuid` stays the same on every frame.
                - `label`: `str`
                    - Contains name of object class associated with drawn cuboid.
                - `yaw`: `str`
                    - Rotation of cuboid around the z-axis. Given in _radians_ from which the cuboid is rotated along the z-axis. 0 radians is equivalent to the direction of the vector `(0, 1, 0)`. The vector points at the length-side. Rotation happens counter-clockwise, i.e., PI/2 is pointing in the same direction as the vector `(-1, 0, 0)`.
                - `stationary`: `bool`
                    - `True` if object is stationary in the whole scene, e.g., a parked car or traffic light. Otherwise `False`.
                - `camera_used`: `int`
                    - Reference to the camera which was used to validate cuboid position in projection. If no camera was explicitly used, value is set to `-1`.
                - `position.x`: `float`
                    - Position of the cuboid expressed as the center of the cuboid. Value is in world-coordinate system.
                - `position.y`: `float`
                    - Position of the cuboid expressed as the center of the cuboid. Value is in world-coordinate system.
                - `position.z`: `float`
                    - Position of the cuboid expressed as the center of the cuboid. Value is in world-coordinate system.
                - `dimensions.x`: `float`
                    - The dimensions of the cuboid based on the world dimensions. Width of the cuboid from left to right.
                - `dimensions.y`: `float`
                    - The dimensions of the cuboid based on the world dimensions. Length of the cuboid from front to back.
                - `dimensions.z`: `float`
                    - The dimensions of the cuboid based on the world dimensions. Height of the cuboid from top to bottom.
                - `attributes.object_motion`: `str`
                    - Values are `Parked`, `Stopped` or `Moving`.
                    - Set for cuboids with `label` values in
                        - _Car_
                        - _Pickup Truck_
                        - _Medium-sized Truck_
                        - _Semi-truck_
                        - _Towed Object_
                        - _Motorcycle_
                        - _Other Vehicle - Construction Vehicle_
                        - _Other Vehicle - Uncommon_
                        - _Other Vehicle - Pedicab_
                        - _Emergency Vehicle_
                        - _Bus_
                        - _Personal Mobility Device_
                        - _Motorized Scooter_
                        - _Bicycle_
                        - _Train_
                        - _Trolley_
                        - _Tram / Subway_
                - `attributes.rider_status`: `str`
                    - Values are `With Rider` or `Without Rider`.
                    - Set for cuboids with `label` values in
                        - _Motorcycle_
                        - _Personal Mobility Device_
                        - _Motorized Scooter_
                        - _Bicycle_
                        - _Animals - Other_
                - `attributes.pedestrian_behavior`: `str`
                    - Value are `Sitting`, `Lying`, `Walking` or `Standing`
                    - Set for cuboids with `label` values in
                        - _Pedestrian_
                        - _Pedestrian with Object_
                - `attributes.pedestrian_age`: `str`
                    - Value are `Adult` or `Child` (less than ~18 years old)
                    - Set for cuboids with `label` values in
                        - _Pedestrian_
                        - _Pedestrian with Object_
                - `cuboids.sensor_id`: `int`
                    - For the overlap area between mechanical 360° LiDAR and front-facing LiDAR, moving objects received two cuboids to compensate for synchronization differences of both sensors. If cuboid is in this overlapping area and moving, this value is either `0` (mechanical 360° LiDAR) or `1` (front-facing LiDAR). All other cuboids have value `-1`.
                - `cuboids.sibling_id`: `str`
                    - For cuboids which have `cuboids.sensor_id` set to `0` or `1`: this field stores the `uuid` of the sibling cuboid, i.e., measuring the same object in the overlap region, but with the other respective sensor.

        return self._data

    def __init__(self, directory: str) -> None:
        Annotation.__init__(self, directory)

    def __getitem__(self, item: int) -> pd.DataFrame:

    def __getitem__(self, item: slice) -> List[pd.DataFrame]:

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        return super().__getitem__(item)

    def _load_data_file(self, fp: str) -> None:
        return pd.read_pickle(fp)


Instance variables

var data : List[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame]

Returns annotation data array.


List of cuboid data frames. Each data frame has columns as follows:
  • index: int
    • Each row corresponds to one cuboid. The index order is arbitrary.
  • uuid: `str
    • Unique identifier for an object. If object is tracked within the sequence, the uuid stays the same on every frame.
  • label: str
    • Contains name of object class associated with drawn cuboid.
  • yaw: str
    • Rotation of cuboid around the z-axis. Given in radians from which the cuboid is rotated along the z-axis. 0 radians is equivalent to the direction of the vector (0, 1, 0). The vector points at the length-side. Rotation happens counter-clockwise, i.e., PI/2 is pointing in the same direction as the vector (-1, 0, 0).
  • stationary: bool
    • True if object is stationary in the whole scene, e.g., a parked car or traffic light. Otherwise False.
  • camera_used: int
    • Reference to the camera which was used to validate cuboid position in projection. If no camera was explicitly used, value is set to -1.
  • position.x: float
    • Position of the cuboid expressed as the center of the cuboid. Value is in world-coordinate system.
  • position.y: float
    • Position of the cuboid expressed as the center of the cuboid. Value is in world-coordinate system.
  • position.z: float
    • Position of the cuboid expressed as the center of the cuboid. Value is in world-coordinate system.
  • dimensions.x: float
    • The dimensions of the cuboid based on the world dimensions. Width of the cuboid from left to right.
  • dimensions.y: float
    • The dimensions of the cuboid based on the world dimensions. Length of the cuboid from front to back.
  • dimensions.z: float
    • The dimensions of the cuboid based on the world dimensions. Height of the cuboid from top to bottom.
  • attributes.object_motion: str
    • Values are Parked, Stopped or Moving.
    • Set for cuboids with label values in
      • Car
      • Pickup Truck
      • Medium-sized Truck
      • Semi-truck
      • Towed Object
      • Motorcycle
      • Other Vehicle - Construction Vehicle
      • Other Vehicle - Uncommon
      • Other Vehicle - Pedicab
      • Emergency Vehicle
      • Bus
      • Personal Mobility Device
      • Motorized Scooter
      • Bicycle
      • Train
      • Trolley
      • Tram / Subway
  • attributes.rider_status: str
    • Values are With Rider or Without Rider.
    • Set for cuboids with label values in
      • Motorcycle
      • Personal Mobility Device
      • Motorized Scooter
      • Bicycle
      • Animals - Other
  • attributes.pedestrian_behavior: str
    • Value are Sitting, Lying, Walking or Standing
    • Set for cuboids with label values in
      • Pedestrian
      • Pedestrian with Object
  • attributes.pedestrian_age: str
    • Value are Adult or Child (less than ~18 years old)
    • Set for cuboids with label values in
      • Pedestrian
      • Pedestrian with Object
  • cuboids.sensor_id: int
    • For the overlap area between mechanical 360° LiDAR and front-facing LiDAR, moving objects received two cuboids to compensate for synchronization differences of both sensors. If cuboid is in this overlapping area and moving, this value is either 0 (mechanical 360° LiDAR) or 1 (front-facing LiDAR). All other cuboids have value -1.
  • cuboids.sibling_id: str
    • For cuboids which have cuboids.sensor_id set to 0 or 1: this field stores the uuid of the sibling cuboid, i.e., measuring the same object in the overlap region, but with the other respective sensor.
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def data(self) -> List[pd.DataFrame]:
    """Returns annotation data array.

        List of cuboid data frames. Each data frame has columns as follows:
            - index: `int`
                - Each row corresponds to one cuboid. The index order is arbitrary.
            - `uuid`: `str
                - Unique identifier for an object. If object is tracked within the sequence, the `uuid` stays the same on every frame.
            - `label`: `str`
                - Contains name of object class associated with drawn cuboid.
            - `yaw`: `str`
                - Rotation of cuboid around the z-axis. Given in _radians_ from which the cuboid is rotated along the z-axis. 0 radians is equivalent to the direction of the vector `(0, 1, 0)`. The vector points at the length-side. Rotation happens counter-clockwise, i.e., PI/2 is pointing in the same direction as the vector `(-1, 0, 0)`.
            - `stationary`: `bool`
                - `True` if object is stationary in the whole scene, e.g., a parked car or traffic light. Otherwise `False`.
            - `camera_used`: `int`
                - Reference to the camera which was used to validate cuboid position in projection. If no camera was explicitly used, value is set to `-1`.
            - `position.x`: `float`
                - Position of the cuboid expressed as the center of the cuboid. Value is in world-coordinate system.
            - `position.y`: `float`
                - Position of the cuboid expressed as the center of the cuboid. Value is in world-coordinate system.
            - `position.z`: `float`
                - Position of the cuboid expressed as the center of the cuboid. Value is in world-coordinate system.
            - `dimensions.x`: `float`
                - The dimensions of the cuboid based on the world dimensions. Width of the cuboid from left to right.
            - `dimensions.y`: `float`
                - The dimensions of the cuboid based on the world dimensions. Length of the cuboid from front to back.
            - `dimensions.z`: `float`
                - The dimensions of the cuboid based on the world dimensions. Height of the cuboid from top to bottom.
            - `attributes.object_motion`: `str`
                - Values are `Parked`, `Stopped` or `Moving`.
                - Set for cuboids with `label` values in
                    - _Car_
                    - _Pickup Truck_
                    - _Medium-sized Truck_
                    - _Semi-truck_
                    - _Towed Object_
                    - _Motorcycle_
                    - _Other Vehicle - Construction Vehicle_
                    - _Other Vehicle - Uncommon_
                    - _Other Vehicle - Pedicab_
                    - _Emergency Vehicle_
                    - _Bus_
                    - _Personal Mobility Device_
                    - _Motorized Scooter_
                    - _Bicycle_
                    - _Train_
                    - _Trolley_
                    - _Tram / Subway_
            - `attributes.rider_status`: `str`
                - Values are `With Rider` or `Without Rider`.
                - Set for cuboids with `label` values in
                    - _Motorcycle_
                    - _Personal Mobility Device_
                    - _Motorized Scooter_
                    - _Bicycle_
                    - _Animals - Other_
            - `attributes.pedestrian_behavior`: `str`
                - Value are `Sitting`, `Lying`, `Walking` or `Standing`
                - Set for cuboids with `label` values in
                    - _Pedestrian_
                    - _Pedestrian with Object_
            - `attributes.pedestrian_age`: `str`
                - Value are `Adult` or `Child` (less than ~18 years old)
                - Set for cuboids with `label` values in
                    - _Pedestrian_
                    - _Pedestrian with Object_
            - `cuboids.sensor_id`: `int`
                - For the overlap area between mechanical 360° LiDAR and front-facing LiDAR, moving objects received two cuboids to compensate for synchronization differences of both sensors. If cuboid is in this overlapping area and moving, this value is either `0` (mechanical 360° LiDAR) or `1` (front-facing LiDAR). All other cuboids have value `-1`.
            - `cuboids.sibling_id`: `str`
                - For cuboids which have `cuboids.sensor_id` set to `0` or `1`: this field stores the `uuid` of the sibling cuboid, i.e., measuring the same object in the overlap region, but with the other respective sensor.

    return self._data

Inherited members

class SemanticSegmentation (directory: str)

Loads and provides Semantic Segmentation annotations. Subclass of Annotation.

SemanticSegmentation loads files in {sequence_id}/annotations/annotations/semseg/ containing semantic segmentation annotations for point clouds and class name mapping.


Absolute or relative path where annotation files are stored


List of points and their class ID for each frame.
Dict containing class ID to class name mapping.
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class SemanticSegmentation(Annotation):
    """Loads and provides Semantic Segmentation annotations. Subclass of ``Annotation``.

    ``SemanticSegmentation`` loads files in `{sequence_id}/annotations/annotations/semseg/` containing semantic segmentation annotations for point clouds and class name mapping.

         directory: Absolute or relative path where annotation files are stored

        data: List of points and their class ID for each frame.
        classes: Dict containing class ID to class name mapping.

    def _data_file_extension(self) -> str:
        return 'pkl.gz'

    def data(self) -> List[pd.DataFrame]:
        """Returns annotation data array.

            List of semantic segmentation data frames. Each data frame has columns as follows:
                - index: `int`
                    - Index order corresponds to the order of point cloud in ``lidar`` property.
                - `class`: `str`
                    - Class ID as a number in string format. Can be used to find class name from ``classes`` property.
        return self._data

    def classes(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
        """Returns class id to class name mapping.

            Dictionary with class ID as key and class name as value. Valid for the complete scene.
        return self._classes

    def __init__(self, directory: str) -> None:
        self._classes_structure: str = None
        self._classes: Dict[str, str] = None
        Annotation.__init__(self, directory)

    def __getitem__(self, item: int) -> pd.DataFrame:

    def __getitem__(self, item: slice) -> List[pd.DataFrame]:

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        return super().__getitem__(item)

    def load(self) -> None:

    def _load_structure(self) -> None:

    def _load_classes_structure(self) -> None:
        classes_file = f'{self._directory}/classes.json'
        if os.path.isfile(classes_file):
            self._classes_structure = classes_file

    def _load_data_file(self, fp: str) -> None:
        return pd.read_pickle(fp)

    def _load_classes(self) -> None:
        with open(self._classes_structure, 'r') as f:
            file_data = json.load(f)
            self._classes = file_data


Instance variables

var classes : Dict[str, str]

Returns class id to class name mapping.


Dictionary with class ID as key and class name as value. Valid for the complete scene.

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def classes(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
    """Returns class id to class name mapping.

        Dictionary with class ID as key and class name as value. Valid for the complete scene.
    return self._classes
var data : List[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame]

Returns annotation data array.


List of semantic segmentation data frames. Each data frame has columns as follows:
  • index: int
    • Index order corresponds to the order of point cloud in lidar property.
  • class: str
    • Class ID as a number in string format. Can be used to find class name from classes property.
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def data(self) -> List[pd.DataFrame]:
    """Returns annotation data array.

        List of semantic segmentation data frames. Each data frame has columns as follows:
            - index: `int`
                - Index order corresponds to the order of point cloud in ``lidar`` property.
            - `class`: `str`
                - Class ID as a number in string format. Can be used to find class name from ``classes`` property.
    return self._data

Inherited members