Module pandaset.sensors

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import glob
import json
import os.path
from typing import List, overload, TypeVar, Dict
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

import pandas as pd
from PIL import Image
from PIL.JpegImagePlugin import JpegImageFile
from pandas.core.frame import DataFrame

T = TypeVar('T')

class Sensor:
    """Meta class inherited by subclasses for more specific sensor types.

   ``Sensor`` provides generic preparation and loading methods for PandaSet folder structures. Subclasses
   for specific sensor types must implement certain methods, as well as can override existing ones for extension.

        directory: Absolute or relative path where sensor files are stored

       data: List of sensor data objects. The type of list elements depends on the subclass implementation of protected method ``_load_data_file``
       poses: List of sensor poses in world-coordinates
       timestamps: List of recording timestamps for sensor
    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta

    def _data_file_extension(self) -> str:

    def data(self) -> List[T]:
        """Returns sensor data array.

        Subclasses can use any type inside array.
        return self._data

    def poses(self) -> List[T]:
        """Returns sensor pose array.

        Subclasses can use any type inside array.
        return self._poses

    def timestamps(self) -> List[T]:
        """Returns sensor timestamp array.

        Subclasses can use any type inside array.
        return self._timestamps

    def __init__(self, directory: str) -> None:
        self._directory: str = directory
        self._data_structure: List[str] = None
        self._data: List[T] = None
        self._poses_structure: str = None
        self._poses: List[Dict[str, T]] = None
        self._timestamps_structure: str = None
        self._timestamps: List[float] = None

    def __getitem__(self, item: int) -> T:

    def __getitem__(self, item: slice) -> List[T]:

    def __getitem__(self, item):

    def _load_structure(self) -> None:

    def _load_data_structure(self) -> None:
        self._data_structure = sorted(

    def _load_poses_structure(self) -> None:
        poses_file = f'{self._directory}/poses.json'
        if os.path.isfile(poses_file):
            self._poses_structure = poses_file

    def _load_timestamps_structure(self) -> None:
        timestamps_file = f'{self._directory}/timestamps.json'
        if os.path.isfile(timestamps_file):
            self._timestamps_structure = timestamps_file

    def load(self) -> None:
        """Loads all sensor files from disk into memory.

        All sensor and associated meta data files are loaded into memory in filename order.

    def _load_data(self) -> None:
        self._data = []
        for fp in self._data_structure:

    def _load_poses(self) -> None:
        self._poses = []
        with open(self._poses_structure, 'r') as f:
            file_data = json.load(f)
            for entry in file_data:

    def _load_timestamps(self) -> None:
        self._timestamps = []
        with open(self._timestamps_structure, 'r') as f:
            file_data = json.load(f)
            for entry in file_data:

    def _load_data_file(self, fp: str) -> None:

class Lidar(Sensor):
    def _data_file_extension(self) -> str:
        return 'pkl.gz'

    def data(self) -> List[pd.DataFrame]:
        """Returns (filtered) LiDAR point cloud array.

        Point cloud data is in a world-coordinate system, i.e., a static object which is a position `(10,10,0)` in frame 1, will be at position `(10,10,0)` in all other frames, too.

            List of point cloud data frames for each timestamp. Each data frame has columns as follows:
                - index: `int`
                    - Ordered point cloud. When joining the raw point cloud with data from ``SemanticSegmentation``, it is important to keep the index order.
                - `x`: `float`
                    - Position of point in world-coordinate system (x-axis) in meter
                - `y`: `float`
                    - Position of point in world-coordinate system (y-axis) in meter
                - `z`: `float`
                    - Position of point in world-coordinate system (z-axis) in meter
                - `i`: `float`
                    - Reflection intensity in a range `[0,255]`
                - `t`: `float`
                    - Recorded timestamp for specific point
                - `d`: `int`
                    - Sensor ID. `0` -> mechnical 360° LiDAR, `1` -> forward-facing LiDAR
        if self._sensor_id in [0, 1]:
            return [df.loc[df['d'] == self._sensor_id] for df in self._data]
            return self._data

    def poses(self) -> List[Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]]:
        """Returns LiDAR sensor pose array.

            A pose dictionary of the LiDAR sensor in world-coordinates for each frame. The dictionary keys return the following types:
             - `position`: `dict`
                - `x`: `float`
                    - Position of LiDAR sensor in world-coordinate system (x-axis) in meter
                - `y`: `float`
                    - Position of LiDAR sensor in world-coordinate system (y-axis) in meter
                - `z`: `float`
                    - Position of LiDAR sensor in world-coordinate system (z-axis) in meter
            - `heading`: `dict`
                - `w`: `float`
                    - Real part of _Quaternion_
                - `x`: `float`
                    - First imaginary part of _Quaternion_
                - `y`: `float`
                    - Second imaginary part of _Quaternion_
                - `z`: `float`
                    - Third imaginary part of _Quaternion_
        return self._poses

    def timestamps(self) -> List[float]:
        """Returns LiDAR sensor recording timestamps array.

            A list of timestamps in `float` format for each point cloud recorded in this sequence. To get point-wise timestamps, please refer to column `t` in `data` property return values.
        return self._timestamps

    def __init__(self, directory: str) -> None:
        self._sensor_id = -1
        Sensor.__init__(self, directory)

    def __getitem__(self, item: int) -> DataFrame:

    def __getitem__(self, item: slice) -> List[DataFrame]:

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        return super().__getitem__(item)

    def set_sensor(self, sensor_id: int) -> None:
        """Specifies a sensor which should be returned exclusively in the data objects

            sensor_id: Set `-1` for both LiDAR sensors, set `0` for mechanical 360° LiDAR, set `1` for front-facing LiDAR.

        self._sensor_id = sensor_id

    def _load_data_file(self, fp: str) -> DataFrame:
        return pd.read_pickle(fp)

class Camera(Sensor):
    def _data_file_extension(self) -> str:
        return 'jpg'

    def data(self) -> List[JpegImageFile]:
        """Returns Camera image array.

            List of camera images for each timestamp. Camera images are loaded as [``JpegImageFile``](
        return self._data

    def poses(self) -> List[Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]]:
        """Returns Camera sensor pose array.

            A pose dictionary of the Camera sensor in world-coordinates for each frame. The dictionary keys return the following types:
             - `position`: `dict`
                - `x`: `float`
                    - Position of LiDAR sensor in world-coordinate system (x-axis) in meter
                - `y`: `float`
                    - Position of LiDAR sensor in world-coordinate system (y-axis) in meter
                - `z`: `float`
                    - Position of LiDAR sensor in world-coordinate system (z-axis) in meter
            - `heading`: `dict`
                - `w`: `float`
                    - Real part of _Quaternion_
                - `x`: `float`
                    - First imaginary part of _Quaternion_
                - `y`: `float`
                    - Second imaginary part of _Quaternion_
                - `z`: `float`
                    - Third imaginary part of _Quaternion_
        return self._poses

    def timestamps(self) -> List[float]:
        """Returns Camera sensor recording timestamps array.

            A list of timestamps in `float` format for each camera image recorded in this sequence. To get point-wise timestamps, please refer to column `t` in `data` property return values.
        return self._timestamps

    def intrinsics(self) -> 'Intrinsics':
        """Camera specific intrinsic data.

            Instance of class ``Intrinsics``
        return self._intrinsics

    def __init__(self, directory: str) -> None:
        self._intrinsics_structure: str = None
        self._intrinsics: Intrinsics = None
        Sensor.__init__(self, directory)

    def __getitem__(self, item: int) -> JpegImageFile:

    def __getitem__(self, item: slice) -> List[JpegImageFile]:

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        return super().__getitem__(item)

    def load(self) -> None:

    def _load_structure(self) -> None:

    def _load_intrinsics_structure(self) -> None:
        intrinsics_file = f'{self._directory}/intrinsics.json'
        if os.path.isfile(intrinsics_file):
            self._intrinsics_structure = intrinsics_file

    def _load_data_file(self, fp: str) -> JpegImageFile:

    def _load_intrinsics(self) -> None:
        with open(self._intrinsics_structure, 'r') as f:
            file_data = json.load(f)
            self._intrinsics = Intrinsics(fx=file_data['fx'],

class Intrinsics:
    """Camera intrinsics

    Contains camera intrinsics with properties `fx`, `fy`, `cx`, `cy`, for easy usage with [OpenCV framework](
    There is no `skew` factor in the camera recordings.

    def fx(self) -> float:
        """Focal length x-axis

            Focal length x-axis component
        return self._fx

    def fy(self) -> float:
        """Focal length y-axis

            Focal length y-axis component
        return self._fy

    def cx(self) -> float:
        """Principal point x-axis

            Principal point x-axis component
        return self._cx

    def cy(self) -> float:
        """Principal point y-axis

            Principal point y-axis component
        return self._cy

    def __init__(self, fx: float, fy: float, cx: float, cy: float):
        self._fx: float = fx
        self._fy: float = fy
        self._cx: float = cx
        self._cy: float = cy

if __name__ == '__main__':


class Camera (directory: str)

Meta class inherited by subclasses for more specific sensor types.

Sensor provides generic preparation and loading methods for PandaSet folder structures. Subclasses for specific sensor types must implement certain methods, as well as can override existing ones for extension.


Absolute or relative path where sensor files are stored


List of sensor data objects. The type of list elements depends on the subclass implementation of protected method _load_data_file
List of sensor poses in world-coordinates
List of recording timestamps for sensor
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class Camera(Sensor):
    def _data_file_extension(self) -> str:
        return 'jpg'

    def data(self) -> List[JpegImageFile]:
        """Returns Camera image array.

            List of camera images for each timestamp. Camera images are loaded as [``JpegImageFile``](
        return self._data

    def poses(self) -> List[Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]]:
        """Returns Camera sensor pose array.

            A pose dictionary of the Camera sensor in world-coordinates for each frame. The dictionary keys return the following types:
             - `position`: `dict`
                - `x`: `float`
                    - Position of LiDAR sensor in world-coordinate system (x-axis) in meter
                - `y`: `float`
                    - Position of LiDAR sensor in world-coordinate system (y-axis) in meter
                - `z`: `float`
                    - Position of LiDAR sensor in world-coordinate system (z-axis) in meter
            - `heading`: `dict`
                - `w`: `float`
                    - Real part of _Quaternion_
                - `x`: `float`
                    - First imaginary part of _Quaternion_
                - `y`: `float`
                    - Second imaginary part of _Quaternion_
                - `z`: `float`
                    - Third imaginary part of _Quaternion_
        return self._poses

    def timestamps(self) -> List[float]:
        """Returns Camera sensor recording timestamps array.

            A list of timestamps in `float` format for each camera image recorded in this sequence. To get point-wise timestamps, please refer to column `t` in `data` property return values.
        return self._timestamps

    def intrinsics(self) -> 'Intrinsics':
        """Camera specific intrinsic data.

            Instance of class ``Intrinsics``
        return self._intrinsics

    def __init__(self, directory: str) -> None:
        self._intrinsics_structure: str = None
        self._intrinsics: Intrinsics = None
        Sensor.__init__(self, directory)

    def __getitem__(self, item: int) -> JpegImageFile:

    def __getitem__(self, item: slice) -> List[JpegImageFile]:

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        return super().__getitem__(item)

    def load(self) -> None:

    def _load_structure(self) -> None:

    def _load_intrinsics_structure(self) -> None:
        intrinsics_file = f'{self._directory}/intrinsics.json'
        if os.path.isfile(intrinsics_file):
            self._intrinsics_structure = intrinsics_file

    def _load_data_file(self, fp: str) -> JpegImageFile:

    def _load_intrinsics(self) -> None:
        with open(self._intrinsics_structure, 'r') as f:
            file_data = json.load(f)
            self._intrinsics = Intrinsics(fx=file_data['fx'],


Instance variables

var data : List[PIL.JpegImagePlugin.JpegImageFile]

Returns Camera image array.


List of camera images for each timestamp. Camera images are loaded as JpegImageFile.

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def data(self) -> List[JpegImageFile]:
    """Returns Camera image array.

        List of camera images for each timestamp. Camera images are loaded as [``JpegImageFile``](
    return self._data
var intrinsicsIntrinsics

Camera specific intrinsic data.


Instance of class Intrinsics

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def intrinsics(self) -> 'Intrinsics':
    """Camera specific intrinsic data.

        Instance of class ``Intrinsics``
    return self._intrinsics
var poses : List[Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]]

Returns Camera sensor pose array.


A pose dictionary of the Camera sensor in world-coordinates for each frame. The dictionary keys return the following types:
  • position: dict
    • x: float
      • Position of LiDAR sensor in world-coordinate system (x-axis) in meter
    • y: float
      • Position of LiDAR sensor in world-coordinate system (y-axis) in meter
    • z: float
      • Position of LiDAR sensor in world-coordinate system (z-axis) in meter
  • heading: dict
    • w: float
      • Real part of Quaternion
    • x: float
      • First imaginary part of Quaternion
    • y: float
      • Second imaginary part of Quaternion
    • z: float
      • Third imaginary part of Quaternion
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def poses(self) -> List[Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]]:
    """Returns Camera sensor pose array.

        A pose dictionary of the Camera sensor in world-coordinates for each frame. The dictionary keys return the following types:
         - `position`: `dict`
            - `x`: `float`
                - Position of LiDAR sensor in world-coordinate system (x-axis) in meter
            - `y`: `float`
                - Position of LiDAR sensor in world-coordinate system (y-axis) in meter
            - `z`: `float`
                - Position of LiDAR sensor in world-coordinate system (z-axis) in meter
        - `heading`: `dict`
            - `w`: `float`
                - Real part of _Quaternion_
            - `x`: `float`
                - First imaginary part of _Quaternion_
            - `y`: `float`
                - Second imaginary part of _Quaternion_
            - `z`: `float`
                - Third imaginary part of _Quaternion_
    return self._poses
var timestamps : List[float]

Returns Camera sensor recording timestamps array.


A list of timestamps in float format for each camera image recorded in this sequence. To get point-wise timestamps, please refer to column t in data property return values.

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def timestamps(self) -> List[float]:
    """Returns Camera sensor recording timestamps array.

        A list of timestamps in `float` format for each camera image recorded in this sequence. To get point-wise timestamps, please refer to column `t` in `data` property return values.
    return self._timestamps

Inherited members

class Intrinsics (fx: float, fy: float, cx: float, cy: float)

Camera intrinsics

Contains camera intrinsics with properties fx, fy, cx, cy, for easy usage with OpenCV framework. There is no skew factor in the camera recordings.

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class Intrinsics:
    """Camera intrinsics

    Contains camera intrinsics with properties `fx`, `fy`, `cx`, `cy`, for easy usage with [OpenCV framework](
    There is no `skew` factor in the camera recordings.

    def fx(self) -> float:
        """Focal length x-axis

            Focal length x-axis component
        return self._fx

    def fy(self) -> float:
        """Focal length y-axis

            Focal length y-axis component
        return self._fy

    def cx(self) -> float:
        """Principal point x-axis

            Principal point x-axis component
        return self._cx

    def cy(self) -> float:
        """Principal point y-axis

            Principal point y-axis component
        return self._cy

    def __init__(self, fx: float, fy: float, cx: float, cy: float):
        self._fx: float = fx
        self._fy: float = fy
        self._cx: float = cx
        self._cy: float = cy

Instance variables

var cx : float

Principal point x-axis


Principal point x-axis component
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def cx(self) -> float:
    """Principal point x-axis

        Principal point x-axis component
    return self._cx
var cy : float

Principal point y-axis


Principal point y-axis component
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def cy(self) -> float:
    """Principal point y-axis

        Principal point y-axis component
    return self._cy
var fx : float

Focal length x-axis


Focal length x-axis component
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def fx(self) -> float:
    """Focal length x-axis

        Focal length x-axis component
    return self._fx
var fy : float

Focal length y-axis


Focal length y-axis component
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def fy(self) -> float:
    """Focal length y-axis

        Focal length y-axis component
    return self._fy
class Lidar (directory: str)

Meta class inherited by subclasses for more specific sensor types.

Sensor provides generic preparation and loading methods for PandaSet folder structures. Subclasses for specific sensor types must implement certain methods, as well as can override existing ones for extension.


Absolute or relative path where sensor files are stored


List of sensor data objects. The type of list elements depends on the subclass implementation of protected method _load_data_file
List of sensor poses in world-coordinates
List of recording timestamps for sensor
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class Lidar(Sensor):
    def _data_file_extension(self) -> str:
        return 'pkl.gz'

    def data(self) -> List[pd.DataFrame]:
        """Returns (filtered) LiDAR point cloud array.

        Point cloud data is in a world-coordinate system, i.e., a static object which is a position `(10,10,0)` in frame 1, will be at position `(10,10,0)` in all other frames, too.

            List of point cloud data frames for each timestamp. Each data frame has columns as follows:
                - index: `int`
                    - Ordered point cloud. When joining the raw point cloud with data from ``SemanticSegmentation``, it is important to keep the index order.
                - `x`: `float`
                    - Position of point in world-coordinate system (x-axis) in meter
                - `y`: `float`
                    - Position of point in world-coordinate system (y-axis) in meter
                - `z`: `float`
                    - Position of point in world-coordinate system (z-axis) in meter
                - `i`: `float`
                    - Reflection intensity in a range `[0,255]`
                - `t`: `float`
                    - Recorded timestamp for specific point
                - `d`: `int`
                    - Sensor ID. `0` -> mechnical 360° LiDAR, `1` -> forward-facing LiDAR
        if self._sensor_id in [0, 1]:
            return [df.loc[df['d'] == self._sensor_id] for df in self._data]
            return self._data

    def poses(self) -> List[Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]]:
        """Returns LiDAR sensor pose array.

            A pose dictionary of the LiDAR sensor in world-coordinates for each frame. The dictionary keys return the following types:
             - `position`: `dict`
                - `x`: `float`
                    - Position of LiDAR sensor in world-coordinate system (x-axis) in meter
                - `y`: `float`
                    - Position of LiDAR sensor in world-coordinate system (y-axis) in meter
                - `z`: `float`
                    - Position of LiDAR sensor in world-coordinate system (z-axis) in meter
            - `heading`: `dict`
                - `w`: `float`
                    - Real part of _Quaternion_
                - `x`: `float`
                    - First imaginary part of _Quaternion_
                - `y`: `float`
                    - Second imaginary part of _Quaternion_
                - `z`: `float`
                    - Third imaginary part of _Quaternion_
        return self._poses

    def timestamps(self) -> List[float]:
        """Returns LiDAR sensor recording timestamps array.

            A list of timestamps in `float` format for each point cloud recorded in this sequence. To get point-wise timestamps, please refer to column `t` in `data` property return values.
        return self._timestamps

    def __init__(self, directory: str) -> None:
        self._sensor_id = -1
        Sensor.__init__(self, directory)

    def __getitem__(self, item: int) -> DataFrame:

    def __getitem__(self, item: slice) -> List[DataFrame]:

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        return super().__getitem__(item)

    def set_sensor(self, sensor_id: int) -> None:
        """Specifies a sensor which should be returned exclusively in the data objects

            sensor_id: Set `-1` for both LiDAR sensors, set `0` for mechanical 360° LiDAR, set `1` for front-facing LiDAR.

        self._sensor_id = sensor_id

    def _load_data_file(self, fp: str) -> DataFrame:
        return pd.read_pickle(fp)


Instance variables

var data : List[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame]

Returns (filtered) LiDAR point cloud array.

Point cloud data is in a world-coordinate system, i.e., a static object which is a position (10,10,0) in frame 1, will be at position (10,10,0) in all other frames, too.


List of point cloud data frames for each timestamp. Each data frame has columns as follows:
  • index: int
    • Ordered point cloud. When joining the raw point cloud with data from SemanticSegmentation, it is important to keep the index order.
  • x: float
    • Position of point in world-coordinate system (x-axis) in meter
  • y: float
    • Position of point in world-coordinate system (y-axis) in meter
  • z: float
    • Position of point in world-coordinate system (z-axis) in meter
  • i: float
    • Reflection intensity in a range [0,255]
  • t: float
    • Recorded timestamp for specific point
  • d: int
    • Sensor ID. 0 -> mechnical 360° LiDAR, 1 -> forward-facing LiDAR
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def data(self) -> List[pd.DataFrame]:
    """Returns (filtered) LiDAR point cloud array.

    Point cloud data is in a world-coordinate system, i.e., a static object which is a position `(10,10,0)` in frame 1, will be at position `(10,10,0)` in all other frames, too.

        List of point cloud data frames for each timestamp. Each data frame has columns as follows:
            - index: `int`
                - Ordered point cloud. When joining the raw point cloud with data from ``SemanticSegmentation``, it is important to keep the index order.
            - `x`: `float`
                - Position of point in world-coordinate system (x-axis) in meter
            - `y`: `float`
                - Position of point in world-coordinate system (y-axis) in meter
            - `z`: `float`
                - Position of point in world-coordinate system (z-axis) in meter
            - `i`: `float`
                - Reflection intensity in a range `[0,255]`
            - `t`: `float`
                - Recorded timestamp for specific point
            - `d`: `int`
                - Sensor ID. `0` -> mechnical 360° LiDAR, `1` -> forward-facing LiDAR
    if self._sensor_id in [0, 1]:
        return [df.loc[df['d'] == self._sensor_id] for df in self._data]
        return self._data
var poses : List[Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]]

Returns LiDAR sensor pose array.


A pose dictionary of the LiDAR sensor in world-coordinates for each frame. The dictionary keys return the following types:
  • position: dict
    • x: float
      • Position of LiDAR sensor in world-coordinate system (x-axis) in meter
    • y: float
      • Position of LiDAR sensor in world-coordinate system (y-axis) in meter
    • z: float
      • Position of LiDAR sensor in world-coordinate system (z-axis) in meter
  • heading: dict
    • w: float
      • Real part of Quaternion
    • x: float
      • First imaginary part of Quaternion
    • y: float
      • Second imaginary part of Quaternion
    • z: float
      • Third imaginary part of Quaternion
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def poses(self) -> List[Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]]:
    """Returns LiDAR sensor pose array.

        A pose dictionary of the LiDAR sensor in world-coordinates for each frame. The dictionary keys return the following types:
         - `position`: `dict`
            - `x`: `float`
                - Position of LiDAR sensor in world-coordinate system (x-axis) in meter
            - `y`: `float`
                - Position of LiDAR sensor in world-coordinate system (y-axis) in meter
            - `z`: `float`
                - Position of LiDAR sensor in world-coordinate system (z-axis) in meter
        - `heading`: `dict`
            - `w`: `float`
                - Real part of _Quaternion_
            - `x`: `float`
                - First imaginary part of _Quaternion_
            - `y`: `float`
                - Second imaginary part of _Quaternion_
            - `z`: `float`
                - Third imaginary part of _Quaternion_
    return self._poses
var timestamps : List[float]

Returns LiDAR sensor recording timestamps array.


A list of timestamps in float format for each point cloud recorded in this sequence. To get point-wise timestamps, please refer to column t in data property return values.

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def timestamps(self) -> List[float]:
    """Returns LiDAR sensor recording timestamps array.

        A list of timestamps in `float` format for each point cloud recorded in this sequence. To get point-wise timestamps, please refer to column `t` in `data` property return values.
    return self._timestamps


def set_sensor(self, sensor_id: int) -> NoneType

Specifies a sensor which should be returned exclusively in the data objects


Set -1 for both LiDAR sensors, set 0 for mechanical 360° LiDAR, set 1 for front-facing LiDAR.
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def set_sensor(self, sensor_id: int) -> None:
    """Specifies a sensor which should be returned exclusively in the data objects

        sensor_id: Set `-1` for both LiDAR sensors, set `0` for mechanical 360° LiDAR, set `1` for front-facing LiDAR.

    self._sensor_id = sensor_id

Inherited members

class Sensor (directory: str)

Meta class inherited by subclasses for more specific sensor types.

Sensor provides generic preparation and loading methods for PandaSet folder structures. Subclasses for specific sensor types must implement certain methods, as well as can override existing ones for extension.


Absolute or relative path where sensor files are stored


List of sensor data objects. The type of list elements depends on the subclass implementation of protected method _load_data_file
List of sensor poses in world-coordinates
List of recording timestamps for sensor
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class Sensor:
    """Meta class inherited by subclasses for more specific sensor types.

   ``Sensor`` provides generic preparation and loading methods for PandaSet folder structures. Subclasses
   for specific sensor types must implement certain methods, as well as can override existing ones for extension.

        directory: Absolute or relative path where sensor files are stored

       data: List of sensor data objects. The type of list elements depends on the subclass implementation of protected method ``_load_data_file``
       poses: List of sensor poses in world-coordinates
       timestamps: List of recording timestamps for sensor
    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta

    def _data_file_extension(self) -> str:

    def data(self) -> List[T]:
        """Returns sensor data array.

        Subclasses can use any type inside array.
        return self._data

    def poses(self) -> List[T]:
        """Returns sensor pose array.

        Subclasses can use any type inside array.
        return self._poses

    def timestamps(self) -> List[T]:
        """Returns sensor timestamp array.

        Subclasses can use any type inside array.
        return self._timestamps

    def __init__(self, directory: str) -> None:
        self._directory: str = directory
        self._data_structure: List[str] = None
        self._data: List[T] = None
        self._poses_structure: str = None
        self._poses: List[Dict[str, T]] = None
        self._timestamps_structure: str = None
        self._timestamps: List[float] = None

    def __getitem__(self, item: int) -> T:

    def __getitem__(self, item: slice) -> List[T]:

    def __getitem__(self, item):

    def _load_structure(self) -> None:

    def _load_data_structure(self) -> None:
        self._data_structure = sorted(

    def _load_poses_structure(self) -> None:
        poses_file = f'{self._directory}/poses.json'
        if os.path.isfile(poses_file):
            self._poses_structure = poses_file

    def _load_timestamps_structure(self) -> None:
        timestamps_file = f'{self._directory}/timestamps.json'
        if os.path.isfile(timestamps_file):
            self._timestamps_structure = timestamps_file

    def load(self) -> None:
        """Loads all sensor files from disk into memory.

        All sensor and associated meta data files are loaded into memory in filename order.

    def _load_data(self) -> None:
        self._data = []
        for fp in self._data_structure:

    def _load_poses(self) -> None:
        self._poses = []
        with open(self._poses_structure, 'r') as f:
            file_data = json.load(f)
            for entry in file_data:

    def _load_timestamps(self) -> None:
        self._timestamps = []
        with open(self._timestamps_structure, 'r') as f:
            file_data = json.load(f)
            for entry in file_data:

    def _load_data_file(self, fp: str) -> None:


Instance variables

var data : List[~T]

Returns sensor data array.

Subclasses can use any type inside array.

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def data(self) -> List[T]:
    """Returns sensor data array.

    Subclasses can use any type inside array.
    return self._data
var poses : List[~T]

Returns sensor pose array.

Subclasses can use any type inside array.

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def poses(self) -> List[T]:
    """Returns sensor pose array.

    Subclasses can use any type inside array.
    return self._poses
var timestamps : List[~T]

Returns sensor timestamp array.

Subclasses can use any type inside array.

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def timestamps(self) -> List[T]:
    """Returns sensor timestamp array.

    Subclasses can use any type inside array.
    return self._timestamps


def load(self) -> NoneType

Loads all sensor files from disk into memory.

All sensor and associated meta data files are loaded into memory in filename order.

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def load(self) -> None:
    """Loads all sensor files from disk into memory.

    All sensor and associated meta data files are loaded into memory in filename order.