Radar Point Deep-Dive

Radar points are supported on the lidar toolkit, the lidar toolkit is expecting this data format:

radar_points = np.array([
        [0.30694541, 0.27853175, 0.51152715],    // position - x,y,z
        [0.80424087, 0.24164057, 0.45256181],    // direction - x,y,z
        [0.73596422]    // size
        [0.30694541, 0.27853175, 0.51152715],    // position - x,y,z
        [0.80424087, 0.24164057, 0.45256181],    // direction - x,y,z
        [0.73596422]    // size
        [0.30694541, 0.27853175, 0.51152715],    // position - x,y,z
        [0.80424087, 0.24164057, 0.45256181],    // direction - x,y,z
        [0.73596422]    // size

In order to add the radar points you can add the following line to you code:

for frame in frames:
    # add the following lines
    radar_points = load_radar_points(f"./radar_points/{frame}.txt")
    scene.get_frame(frame).add_radar_points(radar_points) # adding radar_points to each frame

Here is an example of radar points, if you store the data following that format you can use the following snippet to load the data:

def load_radar_points(file):
    Lines = open(file, 'r').readlines()

    points = []
    for line in Lines:
        point = line.split(',')
        points.append([list(map(float, point[0:3])),list(map(float, point[3:6])),list(map(float, [point[6]]))])
    return points