Data Structure

In order to use the scale-example python script, you will need to store your data following this structure:

- cameras:
    - camera_one:
        - [X].jpg/png (X -> frame number)
        - extrinsics.json (heading: [w,x,y,z], position: [x,y,z])
        - intrinsics.json (fx,fy,cx,cy)
    - camera_two:
        - [X].jpg/png (X -> frame number)
        - extrinsics.json (heading: [w,x,y,z], position: [x,y,z])
        - intrinsics.json (fx,fy,cx,cy)
    - ... more cameras
- pointcloud:
    - [X].ply/pcd (X -> frame number)
- poses:
    - [X].json (X -> frame number) (heading: [w,x,y,z], position: [x,y,z])
- radar_points:
    - [X].txt (X -> frame number) (each line should be a point following this format position_x, position_y, position_z, direction_x, direction_y, direction_z, size)

Example Data

There is test data provided in the Github repo if you wish to test the script out yourself or see the directory structure.

See also

We define headings using quaternion annotations following this order: w, x, y, z


Scale’s platform expects an image for every frame from each camera.

Each camera will also need an extrinsic file with the camera’s heading and position,

  "heading": [
  "position": [

See also

The camera extrinsic should be relative to the device. This means that the lidar toolkit will add device position and heading to the camera in each frame.

and an intrinsics file with the camera’s 2d-translation and 2d-scaling.

  "fx": 933.4667,
  "fy": 934.6754,
  "cx": 896.4692,
  "cy": 507.3557

See also

In this file you can add camera model, distortion coefficients, etc.

Point Cloud

Scale’s platform expects a point cloud file for every frame. In this example, we will be using .ply , but the toolkit is compatible other point cloud formats. Read more about supported point cloud formats and filetypes here.

The example point cloud file is in ego coordinates (which will be transformed to world coordinates later).

See also

Remember to use the same file name for images, point cloud and poses to make it easier to match them to each frame.

Device Pose

Scale’s platform also expects a pose file per frame. This file contains your device’s heading and position:

  "heading": [
  "position": [

You can use the pose data to transform your ego scene into a world coordinate scene.

See also

A pose is a position and orientation. It is an absolute value between one frame and another.