Loading Your Data

Create Scene Function

The function create_scene(base_path, frames) in scale-example.py loads data and creates a LidarScene object. The base_path is directory where all your data is stored. The frames is a list of file names that you wish to load/process into the lidar toolkit.

if __name__ == '__main__':
    scene = create_scene(
            base_path='data/', # <-- path that holds your data
            frames=range(1,6) # <-- list of filenames for each frame

Loading and Calibrating Cameras

Each camera’s position will be calibrated using its rotation matrix and translation vector. Each camera will also be calibrated using the K-matrix or intrinsic matrix. Read more about camera intrinsics here!

camera_skew = 0
        [camera_intrinsic['fx'][0], camera_skew, camera_intrinsic['cx'][0]],
        [0,camera_intrinsic['fy'][0], camera_intrinsic['cy'][0]],

Setting up Device Poses

Use the device_pose file’s rotation matrix and translation vector to calibrate the device heading and position. Apply the transformation of the pose to the frame.

with open(f"./poses/{frame}.json", 'r') as pose_file:   # load frame pose
    device_pose = json.load(pose_file)
    pose = Transform().from_Rt(

Loading Point Clouds

Scale’s lidar toolkit uses Open3D to read and load point cloud data. Read more about supported point cloud formats and filetypes here.

Convert the points of the point cloud into a numpy array before adding it to the frame.

Ego Coordinates

For ego coordinates, the process is straightforward.

pcd = o3d.io.read_point_cloud(f"./pointcloud/{frame}.ply")
points = np.asarray(pcd.points)

World Coordinates

If your point cloud data is in world coordinates, you should transform the points using the pose’s inverse before adding the points to the frame. The inverse is subtracting the pose from the point cloud (moves from world to ego coordinates).

The lidar toolkit expects data in ego coordinates. It will automatically transform the data to world coordinates later in the script before task creation.

pcd = o3d.io.read_point_cloud(f"./pointcloud/{frame}.ply")
points = np.asarray(pcd.points)
scene.get_frame(frame).add_points(points, transform=pose.inverse)

Transform All Frames Relative to First Frame

After data for every frame is added to the LidarScene, make all frame poses relative to the first frame and set the first frame’s position as (0,0,0). This method is usually called outside of the loop that adds all the point cloud data. This method handles all of that:


Radar Points

Scale’s platform also supports adding radar points. To add radar points to your lidar scene, convert radar points into a numpy array before adding it to the frame.

# Example radar_points numpy array structure
radar_points = np.array([
  [0.30694541, 0.27853175, 0.51152715],    // position - x,y,z
  [0.80424087, 0.24164057, 0.45256181],    // direction - x,y,z
  [0.73596422]    // size

More about radar points here.